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The Color Girls Are Most Attracted To

the color girls are most attracted to

If you have found yourself here, I am going to assume you are a single guy looking for any advantage whatsoever in our current crazy dating world. And maybe you thought you were grasping at straws when the idea of what color t-shirt would get you the best chance for a second-date. But surprisingly there is a lot of studies and evidence to tell us the color girls are most attracted to.

So what color are girls the most attracted to? Short answer: It’s not really red. Contrary to popular belief this does not apply to everyone.

The color girls are most attracted to
Definitely might look the best on women though…

BUT for you it might apply, there are some stipulations here depending on your skin-tone and personality so bare with me here.

First we will get the popular answer out of the way. Yes, there are a lot of studies that seem to suggest red is the color that girls are most attracted to.

The Myth Of Red

“In a 2010 study on the psychology of color, women were more sexually attracted to men wearing red than blue or green…The University of Rochester’s breakdown of a study backs that up and explains that the preference for red is a biological and cultural response. Culturally, the color has links to ancient China, Japan, sub-Saharan Africa, and Rome. Biologically, you can even see the effect bright colors have in the mating rituals of the animal world; we aren’t that different.” – Source

Now let’s look at the main study from 2010 that all of this stems from:

They took a sample of women and men and had them interact with each other. Each individual was given a red, blue, or green shirt. At the end of the study, when the participants were interviewed, most of the women felt a stronger sexual attraction to the men in red shirts and also perceived them to be of higher social status.

That was the entire study. The color girls are most attracted to. Based on that.

That is the whole study that we have been basing this “red” is the most attractive color cliche off of.

Am I the Jerry Lewis of Health and Happiness? - A Karma Sense ...

There was no control group, they didn’t bring back the hot dude with a new sample of women to prove that he wasn’t as attractive in a blue shirt. How do we know the attractive people didn’t just end up getting red shirts? How do we know that the ones wearing the red shirts wouldn’t be attractive in all three colors?

We don’t because this experiment wasn’t carried out very thouroughly. But it was a fun. The color girls are most attracted to is something all guys want the answer to, even if it’s a wrong one. So the internet took it and ran with it. And they had done just enough of the credentials for this to be considered a “scientific study”.

“Red acts as a basic, non-lexical prime, influencing reproduction-relevant behavior in like manner across species,” the researchers suggest (Kayser, Elliot, & Feltman, 2010, p. 901)…The color red signals health, status, and fertility in many animals as well.” – Psychology Today

Always Keep Emergency Doors and Hallways Clear - Safe-T-Gres ...
Yeah, red TOTALLY is the most attractive/warm/inviting color!

What? The color red signals health problems. It’s literally the color of blood. You think some teen with his face covered in bright red acne is fighting to keep all the girls off him because he looks so damn fertile? What about a girl with a giant red rash on her face, or either genders having a giant red anything on their private parts? Let’s survey any sample you want in America and we’ll pretty quickly find out red is actually not a great indicator of health. It’s literally the color of blood. The sight of which puts us into survival mode not sexy time mode. The fact that this was passed through as an accredited study is absurd.

So University of Rochester was able to just take these findings as fake and throw another mound of BS on top of the original mound of BS.

Even just reading the “findings” from Rochester, it’s so clear they were just working backwards and trying to come up with things that make sense.

Do Stoners Make Better Students?
Rochester University Research Team

“Oh yeah, China, Japan, and Rome liked the color red that makes sense definitely throw that in there. Oh also people used to paint their faces red if they were king of the tribe so that will explain the perceived social status thing this is making a lot of sense *takes more speed*” – Some student at Rochester

OK that’s enough ranting on why the red color thing is a myth.

Here are some real answers for you.

There are ACTUAL studies and accounts I have vetted on the color girls are most attracted to and I am now able to bring to you the colors you should NOT wear. I don’t think this is a bad place to start.

The Colors Not To Wear On A First Date

  1. Brown
  2. Yellow
  3. Pink

In that order. And I know you really are bummed out because you just got that Salmon button down from Vineyard Vines and wanted to show your next date how secure you are with your sexuality. Save it. Trust me.

The color girls are most attracted to

The Colors You SHOULD Wear On A First Date

  1. Gray
  2. Black
  3. Blue
  4. Green
  5. White
  6. Red

In that order. And wow would you look at that? 6 colors. Almost enough for a rainbow. It’s almost like there isn’t a right answer! (Except to NEVER wear yellow).

“Women say the most attractive color a man can wear is gray. The other most attractive colors are black, blue, green, and white.” – The Bert Show

Basically it comes down to this, you want to look like you have it together on a first date. And people who have it together don’t look like they are trying to hard. Keep it simple. By FAR the most heard answer was gray, black and blue. Go to H&M stock up on those colors in shirts and button downs.

The color girls are most attracted to

I do think it is extremely important to mention that as always, statistics mean nothing to the individual. The color girls are most attracted to is not going to be a clear answer. Everyone has a color they look best in. If you are of light complexion with light hair (aka “cool undertones”) you want to lean to the lighter shade of gray or even blue. If you are of a darker complexion (aka “warm undertones”) you want to lean to the darker or fully white side. But again these are generalizations. Take advice from your friends, or notice if people treat you better when you aren’t wearing orange.

So those are the colors that girls are most attracted to. One last thing, should be pretty known but if you have green or blue eyes, you’ll want green or blue attire to make your eyes pop. That’s my unofficial theory as to why blue and green made it to the top 6 list.

Woman Suing Indeed After Being Raped By Manager At Orientation

woman suing indeed

Indeed, the tech company known for helping people find jobs, is now in the hot seat for helping upper management get out of sexual assault charges. And now there is a woman suing indeed for just that. – Law360

“The suit alleges that a male-dominated company culture rewards “bubbly women” who “succumb to the sexual advances of their male managers.” – VICE

And the actions from Indeed following the report of the incident seem to imply that may be the exact culture that is being created at the company-

“In the filing, the accuser, Taylor Gilbert, a 27-year-old senior account executive who still works at Indeed, alleges that she eventually went to HR with her complaint and that no action was taken on her behalf. Instead, she was told that the assault was likely the result of her own previous behavior, the lawsuit alleges.” – VICE

To sum up the story, the woman suing Indeed, Taylor Gilbert was hired by Indeed in 2015. She traveled from New York to Stanford for a week long training orientation. That is where she met Aaron Schwartz, who was a senior manager who worked at the company office in Austin. A man who had been flirting with Taylor and making her uncomfortable already. There are texts sent to her mom before the incident describing suggestive remarks that Schwartz was making.

According to Taylor the orientation was more of a party and included dinners and “bar hopping on Indeed’s dime”.

Woman Suing Indeed

After everyone returned to the hotel Aaron Schwartz stayed on the elevator with Taylor until it was just them too. Taylor was drunk to the level of incapacitation at this point so her description of events is blurry. But it involves Schwartz suggesting that he walks her to her room and then forcing himself on to her. The next thing she remembers is she is underneath him and he is having sex with her. In this moment Taylor remembers telling him to stop and that she was really drunk. She repeated this multiple times.

Schwartz left the hotel room after the assault.

Taylor was shaken of course. She had a rape kit done but returned to work in New York City and decided not to bring it up to the company. A story that we have heard all too many times. Recently hired entry level worker is taken advantage of by a person in a higher power, the worker who was taken advantage of is too scared/confused/embarrassed to want to bring it up. So they bury it.

Woman Suing Indeed

That is what Taylor tried to do.

Until a year later when Aaron Schwartz showed up in the New York City office for a visit. Taylor had a panic attack and decided then she had to tell her manager about the situation.

As mentioned above, Taylor was told her actions were likely a result of her behavior, no action was taken. And that was it.

In February of 2020, Indeed released an update on their sexual harrasment/office relationship standards and emailed it to all employees of the company:

“This year, one of the main changes relates to the Code of Conduct and romantic relationships at work. We want to ensure that decisions related to promotions, pay, discipline and evaluation, among others, are not influenced in any way by romantic relationships outside of work. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your current relationship being in violation of the Code of Conduct, please speak with your local HR Business Partner who will work with you to find a solution. Please note: this change is being enacted on a go-forward basis effective March 1, 2020. The purpose is not to discipline anyone for what occurred previously.”

So two things…

1. Why are you implying that going FORWARD pay and promotions won’t be influenced by romantic relationships? Was this something that was being condoned?

2. Why are you putting in a stipulation that any one who broke this rule in the past won’t be disciplined? It always should have been a rule! So who are you protecting? Very suspicious. There may be a lot of woman suing Indeed after this gets out and more people feel like they can speak up.

All that aside when Taylor Gilbert saw this email it told her that this company not only didn’t care about what happened, but essentially put in writing that anything that happened in the past will not be looked into.

It’s 2020 Indeed get it together. It doesn’t matter if he’s the best “Senior Account Manager” in all of Austin, why would you want to condone that behavior? Higher ups who target new entry level females are scum who you shouldn’t want in your company.

And if the moral reason isn’t enough for you, look at the current climate! Did you really think this was going to sit well with the media when it got out? Little too late now for that. Clearly there was other things going on at Indeed. But Taylor Gilbert will finally be the woman suing Indeed that can bring everything to light.

Taylor Gilbert is allegedly going through severe PTSD which has translated into numerous physical ailments including Lupus. Doctors have confirmed that all of these issues stem from the sexual assault. Since nothing can be done to change the past, I hope the outcome of this lawsuit helps Taylor Gilbert find peace.

If Every SUNY School Was A Harry Potter Character

suny school harry potter

OK everyone is getting REAL upset about these. Leave comments in the comment section stop sending me direct hate mail I don’t care if you are offended, when have I ever cared? I also don’t care if your school didn’t make the list. If your school isn’t one of these 15 then it is an irrelevant school and you don’t get a character, so sorry. After years of travel, research, I know this list is correct. The idea of this article, If every SUNY school was a Harry Potter character, is of course based in jest. But this article is accurate. Debate if you want but the majority will side with me. Yes they are generalizations about the school but all you SUNY people will know these assumptions of character are NOT based in fiction.

So, without further ado,


Fredon-where? I almost wanted to give this one a Horocrux as a character because NO ONE KNOWS WHERE IT IS.

suny school harry potter

Instead, we will go with Moaning Myrtle. Since she fits both bills of being someone you never visit, and someone who is ALWAYS moaning for you to come visit even though you both know you will NEVER visit them. (I’m not taking a plane just to land and still be in New York…) If you have a friend who goes to Fredonia… you understand.

Cry all you want Myrtle but your campus is kind of gross and you’re a little touchy.


So you didn’t get into Binghamton or Geneseo. But you think you’re a little above Cortland and Oswego. So you take the middle of the road with the other red-headed misfits and find yourself stoned at one of the two bars in all of New Paltz.

Image result for ron weasley

Like Ron, before a New Paltz student starts he is confused. Trying to find his way in the world and make friends despite his quirkiness. Still, beneath this individuality lies a strong confident ego. In time, just like Ron, it will emerge and you will go from looking for friendship, to turning it away because they don’t deserve your attention. They are beneath you. Because you went to SUNY New Paltz thank you very much!


If you’re a girl who goes to Potsdam, there is a 99.9999% chance that you believe in astrology. Or some sort of karma ying-yang nonsense.

Image result for Sybill Trelawney

If you’re a guy that goes there, you must be loving all the spiritual pussy or something. I don’t know how you deal with running into the next Nostradamus every time you turn a corner.

suny school harry potter
Average SUNY Potsdam Student 5 years after graduation

Just like Sybill Trelawney, many students at Potsdam (male and female) follow their astrological signs and paths. These paths inevitabley lead to molly and having unprotected sex with strangers most days out of the week. (Do they have classes in Potsdam?)


Safe to say that SUNY Cortland belongs to no other than the ‘Mr steal ya girl’ in Ron’s life… but not really because I don’t think him and Granger got past second. But we all know he told his whole Quidditch team he was hittin’ that till the morning.

The Tri-Wizard cup happens every other year at Cortland in the form of Cortaca. There are three challenges-

  1. Slay a whale at Red Jug
  2. Rescue a pledge buried in the snow
  3. Take that same pledge and convince him to jump off a roof steal a cop car and ruin Cortaca forever
If Every SUNY School Was A Harry Potter Character
He has no personality but that that’s OK because he is strong and can drink a lot of alcohol!!

Furthermore, Cortland dudes LOVE hanging with dudes. And doing dude stuff. Like sports, and walking around campus with large packs of dudes. As you can see with Krum, he hangs around his bros as they take turns calling dibs on the innocent 4th year nerds… Keep your eyes on that Butterbeer Hermione, that ain’t Felix Felicis he’s pouring in there.


Super big, always prepared for the cold, and although located far away, always worth the trip. These are just a few things that Hagrid has in common with the SUNY Buffalo student body.

If Every SUNY School Was A Harry Potter Character

Just like a Buffalo student he has a very small room in an old house located in an extremely dangerous area. He is also highly unemployable, has a dog that is way too big that he doesn’t walk enough and loves to hang out with people younger than himself. He probably has a beard too. But when you can make the trip he’ll always sweep the beer cans off the couch and make room for you!


Just like George and Fred Weasley, SUNY Oswego students love to get into mischief and are unlikely to finish their education.

If Every SUNY School Was A Harry Potter Character

Though they generally are good at heart, they will let nothing get in the way of a good joke or a good time. Whether that means hurting your feelings or weathering a freezing rain wind storm to make it out to Alpha Sig.

They love to haze, but they know where the line is….after they cross it.


They are up to no good up there…


To choose Oneonta takes a special breed. It is rare that someone gets into SUNY Oneonta without getting into New Paltz or Cortland.

That means they are somewhere in between…

Didn’t want to go to crazy at Cortland, but something about New Paltz doesn’t feel right. You belong in the middle.

People who end up at Oneonta are always kind at heart.

And lets not forget the most important reason!

If Every SUNY School Was A Harry Potter Character
Every Oneonta squad was looking weird af Freshamn year…


If every SUNY student was a Harry Potter student, then someone has to get this guy.

Where all the snobs go. Laywers, engineers, and coke heads who die at 35.

Image result for draco malfoy

These guys will STOMP you. BUT, if you’re on their side you might be exactly where you want to be.

Very exclusive, extreme nepotism, green colors, past convictions of cheating (*cough* NCAA Bracket *cough*). All while boasting highest test scores in the state. They snort 8’s but they do it at 8 (before finance). Live fast die young with these money grubbers.

Forced to stay inside they have no choice but to increase drug use, lose sanity, and plot revenge against rivals.

Oh and their colors are green so there is that too of course.


OK so (aside from SUNY Geneseo fanatics of course) pretty much every can agree than Suny Geneseo and Luna Love Good are the OBVIOUS match here.

Geneseo students are smart. But they are also weird. But not in a scary way, more like an Etsy page selling seashells that look like pine cones kind of weird. Plus since it is such a small school, the population of weirdness is small but extremely dense. Thus creating a domino effect, in where a weirdo thinks he’s not that weird because he’s not the weirdest in the room. He then gets weirder. This cycle repeats. And every year around 2,000 really weird people get released from Geneseo and migrate down to NYC to work at The Huffington Post.

suny school harry potter

I think that SUNY Geneseo’s school motto is the same as Luna Lovegoods motto should be evidence enough…


Realistically, in the muggle world, Hermione (the rational genius she is) was going to follow her parents footsteps and become a dentist. The most economical way to achieve this would be to go to undergrad at Suny Stony Brook.

If Every SUNY School Was A Harry Potter Character
Not to mention there would be WAY less red heads and Chosen One’s to distract her

Those who end up at Stony Brook are Type A people. Sometimes to a fault. They care too much about life agenda. 5 year plans, having a savings account, etc. The Stony Brook student will either grow into someone super successful, or they will implode. Only time will tell. This is why they cry every night.


Lit a fire during a riot, no one talks to him anymore. Draco said he’s been messing with blues.

suny school harry potter


A hero in every sense. This is not to say you students will die! I am just giving you the honor of holding the memory that is Cedric Diggory.

If Every SUNY School Was A Harry Potter Character

You’re athletic, like-able, and willing to die. (Again not saying you’re going to die I’m just saying you are willing to huge difference I’m sure it will be fine out there dude).


Pomona Sprout | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom

OK I’ll admit this was a lazy one. But it’s the only choice.


Remember Colin Creevey From Harry Potter? This Is What He Looks ...

Just like Colin, everyone at Brockport talks to much. And takes too many pictures of things that nobody cares about. (Like a blurry snap chat of a dude taking a bong rip in the ‘boys den’).

Brockport students just want to be accepted. But they annoy everyone. That’s why they leave campus all the time and try to chase down girls from other schools. Unfortunately for them, even a Moaning Myrtle can sniff out a Colin and send him back in his Sentra and on his way to his people.


Never sure about anything, known as the “loser” so to say of your group. But they will be getting a lot more attractive after they graduate so watch out.

Trump Expected To Veto Second Coronavirus Relief Package

“President Donald Trump shot down the massive new Democratic coronavirus relief package ahead of a planned House vote Friday.

“DOA. Dead on arrival. Of course, Nancy Pelosi knows that,” he told reporters Wednesday at the White House.

About one-third of the $3 trillion legislation is relief for state, local and tribal governments, which many Republicans are resisting. The measure also includes assistance to essential workers, an extension of unemployment insurance beyond July, another round of $1,200 direct cash payments and various other measures that are unlikely to gain bipartisan support but serve as an opening bid for Democrats.” – NBC News

So, a few things before we delve into this

  • Both the democrats and the GOP agree that a second stimulus package is needed. – NBC News
  • Trump ripped into election-related provisions that were added to the bill by Nancy Pelosi. – NBC News
  • Fed Chair Jerome Powell warns of long-term economic damage if a second stimulus is not passed. – NBC News

So this bill is going to be vetoed by Trump, for the sole reason that it does not benefit his chances at re-election.

This isn’t even reading between the lines. He literally said it.

DOA': That's what Trump says about House Democrats' coronavirus ...

“Mail-in ballots is subject to tremendous corruption. Tremendous corruption, cheating. And so I’m against it,” Trump said. “And if you look at the bill that Nancy Pelosi is putting in, it has a lot to do with elections. We’re not going to lose elections because of that.” – NBC News

Let’s forget for a second that American’s are losing their jobs and homes on a daily basis. The greater outcome of this bill is an urgent relief package that is desperately needed right now. It’s something that both parties agree on, yet Trump will veto it because it does not personally benefit him. Even though it would benefit hundreds of millions of Americans. That’s a huge issue, and I think it’s also the biggest take away here.

We are noticing it now more than ever because these stimulus packages are urgent, but this bill could have been about saving penguins. It wouldn’t matter, it would still go back and forth as senators and house reps add in their own stipulations to appease their lobbyists and the bill goes around and around and maybe gets passed. So when it comes to saving the penguins fine they can argue all day. But our Congress needs to learn which bills can’t be used for partisan agendas. The last Coronavirus stimulus package came about a month too late for many Americans and it looks like the same thing will happen on the second round.

Barbara Lee: Trump, McConnell Saying HEROES Act Is DOA Is ...

But the part that is most frustrating.

Nancy Pelosi added in a stipulation that absentee mail in ballots are an options extended to every citizen. Which should have been in place already.

Why are we voting down a bill that helps the American people financially and at the same time makes voting easier. (You know, the thing this country was founded on).

So once again the American people are held hostage as Trump and Pelosi battle it out again.

Hopefully Nancy Pelosi drops the voting stipulations for the time being, someone needs to be the bigger person and let this bill get passed. Americans are in urgent need.

Drug Dealer Pardoned By President Obama Kills Family Of 3


There are assertions of a murderer pardoned by Obama all over Twitter right now. Now the left is correct in saying that this was not a direct pardon by President Obama, but upon further research into this story, why does it matter? The fact remains. Due to Obama’s actions this guy was released early from prison and went on to kill his ex-girlfriend as well as her two young children. I respect Obama, regular readers know this, but I don’t agree with refusing to call mistakes what they are. Mistakes.

Now Snopes and the rest of the leftist media are trying their hardest to uncover evidence behind Obama’s innocence on this one.

Ex-boyfriend Wendell Callahan is suspect in fatal stabbing of Ohio ...

And let me get this out in the open before we go any further, I don’t think this was done with mal intent by Obama. In fact, I’m sure it was quite the opposite. Maybe saying there was a murderer pardoned by Obama is a stretch. But he F’d up, and I don’t think that should be swept under the rug just because of clever technicalities found by liberals who are too nuts to admit Obama could have made a mistake.

Here is a screenshot from the Snopes article attempting to disprove the claim:

wendall callahan

Full Snopes Article

Now the Snopes article on Wendall Callahan and the accusation of a murderer pardoned by Obama is impressively in-depth. But there is a clear bias as off the bat you can see this is a defensive article. At no point did the tone seem to be objective, regardless of it’s accuracy. That article had an obvious mission. And even with that mission at hand, the best they could get to was a “Mostly False” tag.

When a site is trying to disprove an internet story and “Mostly False” is the most definitive answer they will confidently give, you know something is up.

Something Isn't Adding Up

Let’s start with the fact that the article is essentially saying “it’s not really true” while going into a long, detailed explanation as to why it is pretty much true.

The only point made is that he didn’t technically directly pardon Wendell Callahan. But the article also proves he was responsible for his early release.

Gotta respect the last stitch effort by Snopes to rid Obama of blame. “A February 2008 fact sheet [PDF] published by the Drug Policy Alliance showed that efforts to align sentencing for offenses involving crack and cocaine were initiated well before President Obama took office in January 2009.”

What happened to “the buck stops here”??

Obama could have stopped this at anytime. If he is going to claim the buck stops at the president’s desk, then bringing up past administrations is a weak argument. So would he take responsibility for this? If not then he is a hypocrite. If he would, then what are you even trying to defend? Maybe you would say it was an unseen effect. In the case of presidency, negligence is as much deserving of blame as cognisant errors.

Is that really the best you got Snopes?

Top Five Hottest Female Chess Players

hottest female chess players

We’re doing something a bit different today on Page 3. Ranking the hottest female chess players across the globe.

You already know we love mixing our column with not only beauty, but respectable talent. Like an Olympic gold medal. Or a modeling career that began with twerking on Vine.

Before you read on, you should know we have an updated version of this list.

For whatever reason, there is no clear answer on what chess is. Ask a room of 30 if chess is a sport, chairs will soon be flying. It’s one of those obscure topics that get certain yester-year jocks triggered as hell. Despite your opinion on chess not deserving the title “Sport”, it is skill based. People are better than others. There is competition. Just like there is competition in this list, without further adieu, here are top five hottest female chess players-

1. Nazi Paikidze

hottest female chess players

First off, yes, I’m going to ignore that her name is ‘Nazi’. Joking about it would be below me. So obvious, like cheap middle school humor, like laughing at a fart. I don’t go there.

Second, I gotta be honest off the bat. I’m a little biased here. But I think you’ll understand.

Nazi won the 2016 U.S. Womens Chess Championship. She was crowned the best female chess player in the world.

hottest female chess players

But now get this. The 2017 Womens World Tournament is in Iran this year. Nazi won’t be going, because she refuses to adhere to hijab dress code. And thats not a joke by the way.

“I will not wear a hijab and support women’s oppression. Even if it means missing one of the most important competitions of my career” – Nazi Paikidze (On missing the 2017 Womens World Tournament)

So good for Nazi! Crushing it in chess, looking good doing it, and standing up for her gender like a boss. Have to love it. That’s partly why she gets the number 1 spot. But mostly because she is the hottest chess player.

Still, Nazi Paikidze flipped the bird at a country forcing Sharia law. Wanting her to wear a garb and cover herself. And she’s like nah I’m hot and I want everyone to see it.

It could also be the Israeli Nationality.

hottest chess players
Such an innocent, eager face…

But Wait Until We Put Some Glasses On Nazi Paikidze

Like what??

Are you kidding me!? I did not expect anything close to this. We’re past hottest chess players when it comes to this blondie. Why is no one talking about her?

She’s like hot with those glasses. Like ‘study buddy’ in college type.

As I mentioned, finding Nazi Paikidze was a welcomed surprise. Glad the chess league has it’s very own Anna Kournikova.

Yeah forgot to mention, this list is starting with the best. Believe it or not it drops down fast…

2. Alexandra Botez

hottest female chess players

Botez looks like the kind of girl you pretend to not know algebra around in hopes that she tosses you a little tutoring sesh.

I’m going to throw a very objective body pic at you here.

hottest chess player

Alexandra Botez – In Conclusion

Look at the photo above. We can all agree she is at least a 6.7 by all standards.

Is she in the rankings of hottest chess players?

Uh, actually she might be. In fact she might be the hottest chess player. Like I said it’s not a deep pool.

She’s attractive but you feel like she might just barely be in your league. That gets you thinking and before you know it she lands the 2 spot of hottest female chess players.

Alexandra botez

She’s looking good in this pic here.

3. Anna Sharevich


While Anna here is not exactly my type, she gets huge bonus points for helping push Chess towards the “sport” it could be.

She hasn’t won a major tournament since 2011, but that hasn’t stopped her from leading the fight for respect that her gender faces in this male dominated activity. Check out some examples of her activism-

hottest female chess players

Looks like a cover to a 90’s fitness tape porno crossover

hottest female chess players

OK this one is actually kind of hot…uncomfortably..

But for the effort alone… shes on the list of hottest female chess players.

Still I’m not loving

4. Judit Polgar

Judit Polgar

Judit coming in at 4 soley for the reason that she is currently the best female in the world.I imagine that photo is old, you can look up current photos of her if you want. But you probably don’t want to.

On a side note- why is womens and mens chess a different sport? Hey feminists, look into that one for me.

5. Hou Yifan

Hou Yifan

I know Hou you may feel about this kind of girl. But I hear she is very punctual!

Now Hou know who the hottest female chess players are! Need more hot academia? We have just the post for you.

HOLD UP: Have You Seen Tomi Lahren Without Makeup?

tomi lahren without makeup

Not gonna lie, Tomi Lahren was in like, my unofficial top 10. You can’t even imagine Tomi Lahren ugly (or so you thought). After all, she is an absolute smoke. But how much is the camera actually fooling you? Is Tomi Lahren without makeup that much different? Scroll on to see Tomi Lahren no makeup, no shame, in good ol’ North Dakota.

BUT Before getting to the photos let’s be real for a second. No one can call Tomi Lahren ugly. I disagree with pretty much everything she says but goddamn I love a cutie with an attitude. Being hot and crazy confident as a girl is pretty much the ultimate blessing of an opportunity. If you use your powers wisely (aka Taylor Swift) you can accomplish great things. If you succumb to the evils temptations (Lindsay Lohan) you will still accomplish great things. Terrible, terrible things. But great. Basically, you are like Harry Potter.

Tomi lahren fappening. Top 15 Hottest Pictures Of Tomi Lahren You ...

OK but let’s get on topic here. Or if you want to go off topic: Is Tomi Lahren Secretly Obsessed With Black Guys?

We know Tomi is a TV personality. It should be no surprise to anyone that she uses more makeup than the average gal. But OMG wait till you see this photo that I came across.

To prepare you, I give you a photo of the 9/10 North Dakota native I know and love:

Tomi Lahren Without Makeup
“It’s not racist if you’d let me sit on your face”

Now let’s get into it…

Tomi Lahren, The Blaze, and the rest of Tomi’s team have been working around the clock to scour the internet since the leak. Despite their best efforts to secure all the files, there was nothing that could be done. Before long, photos from her old local paper had emerged.

Tomi Lahren Without Makeup
Tomi Lahren No Makeup

Because the photo was deleted and re-shared so many times during the hunt, the original (above) had lost a few pixels. Luckily you can till make out Tomi Lahren’s full name and her high school with ease. Confirming her identity. This was due in part to a virtual riot on Reddit in regards to Tomi defending Trumps “****hole country” comments.

Thanks to internet trolls we were able to get enhanced versions of this within an hour-

Tomi Lahren Without Makeup

Not close enough for you?

Is Tomi Lahren ugly without her makeup? Personally, I don’t think so. But as usual it’s not up to me. In the court of American public opinion, Tomi Lahren no makeup = Tomi Lahren ugly. Obviously a Tomi Lahren without makeup would’t be as striking as a dolled up Tomi Lahren getting ready to go on air. Somehow the fans could not seperate this. It became apparent how many of Tomi’s followers were following for her looks, not her opinions.

With the battle clearly lost, Tomi did what any spokesperson of the Republican party would do in the wake of an unwinnable controversy. Double down.

This gram came out January 1st. Although it does not mention it specifically, considering it’s a post of Tomi Lahren without makeup, I’d say this is a sub-gram. An attempt to show the haters she is comfortable with her natural looks. I think she should just straight up ignore them, Why? Well from a PR standpoint this would work if she was a liberal. In fact, she could have even pulled the feminism card. But you can’t call everyone in Hollywood snowflakes and then cry about internet bullies. So unfortunately for Tomi, she will receive little love from her following.

And of course, she is getting support from certain circles:

“Every day celebrities such as Tomi Lahren have to wear red lips, flawless skin and captivating eyes, so it’s high time that she decided to let her skin breathe and she is confident with her natural beauty.” – Medium


Tomi your Instagram caption is raw. I’m not a huge fan but I do wish the best for you. After all, you are a babe. Stay strong.

Image result for tomi lahren hot

Where Is Jamie Lynn Spears Now? Not Where You Expected

where is jamie lynn spears now

Now I know I wasn’t the first one to be all for the integration of females into PCA. To this say, it blows my mind that male students were upset about this. You are at a private boarding school, full of dudes, on the beach, no rules. What are you missing? Babes of course! And there was no one better than Zoey herself! (I was like 12 at the time so I’m allowed to say that). I remember it wasn’t too much later she ended up pregnant. And of course, I feared the worst. Another Britney in the making? That brings us to our question, where is Jamie Lynn Spears now? Will our lingering Zoey 101 questions ever be answered?

where is jamie lynn spears now
It didn’t take long for Logan to warm up to the idea of a co-ed campus… Take it easy Logan before you end up on someones tapes.

Wait one more Zoey 101 meme before before we delve into this because oh my if this isn’t the truth…

where is jamie lynn spears now
Seriously though… I would hate to see this guy after PCA when he goes to ASU for two semesters…

Although Jamie was my first love after her debut performance on All That, I had lost touch with her after the pregnancy and quick pull of Zoey 101. I was left in the dark. A long with many other fans. So where is Jamie Lynn Spears now? After ghosting all her fans, it was almost a decade before we heard from her.

But I am here today, and happy to report, that Jamie Lynn Spears is doing great! (At least that’s what the former Zoey 101 star is telling us). – E NEws!

Where Is Jamie Lynn Spears Now?

“Looks like we are starting off 2018 with another big milestone…sooo happy to announce that Maddie is FINALLY going to be a big sister,” wrote Spears alongside a family photo. “2017 was filled with some of the biggest challenges of my life, as well as some of the biggest blessings, so I made a choice to lay low this year to focus on truly becoming my best self as a person and as an artist.”

Jamie Lynn Spears had to free daughter from submerged ATV – East ...

She continued, “During that time, I continued working on my music and telling my story, which has created some of my most honest work and I [CAN’T] wait to share that with you all very soon. 2018 is going to be filled with many milestones both personally and professionally.” – People Magazine

So based on this interview with ‘People’, I am shocked by two things-

  1. Jamie Lynn Spears isn’t lost in the woods, on meth, with half her head shaved. (Where is Jamie Lynn Spears now? Better off than Britney in 2007)
  2. second shock, she’s pregnant again.
  3. Third shock? (bonus shock for you) – She is ecstatic about all of this! She thinks this year will be full of successes.
where is jamie lynn spears now
Jame Lynn Spears today, at age 29

Ok wait I’m not up to date here—

Breaking News: Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnancy Kept Secret

She kept the pregnancy a secret from just about everyone until last month…

“Considering the fact that Spears only announced the birth of her second child last week on April 12, it’s understandable that she wouldn’t exactly be hopping right back on the train and letting her fans know exactly what she’s doing. But, looking at what she had going on during her pregnancy, it’s clear that the mom of two has been busy in both her personal and professional life. From performing in intimate venues to even bigger performances at iconic venues, Spears has had plenty going on recently.” – Romper

So that is all great to hear that Jamie Lynn Spears, our beloved Zoey 101 star is doing just fine. But us Zoey 101 fans still need some closure here. Why the sudden disappearance? How could you ghost us and Logan just like that!

where is jamie lynn spears now

Well, Guardian had an exclsuive interview with Jamie Lynn Spears regarding here recent whereabouts. In short, it was shame. Shame that she should not have felt. Becoming pregnant at 16 may have been misfortunate, but it is even more unfortunate that our society was not ready to accept that from one of their “Nickelodeon Stars”, so she had to step away from the spotlight.


“It was 2007. I had been on a Nickelodeon show, Zoey 101, and after we wrapped shooting, I just wanted to go home to Louisiana and finish high school, be a cheerleader, all that. Then I found out I was pregnant [by then- boyfriend Casey Aldridge]. I was 16. I’d had one boyfriend. It doesn’t make it perfect or all right. But I was judged for something that probably most everyone does. I was young. I was in love. I was like every other teenager, except I had this last name. And I made a decision that is forever my decision.” –  Guardian

Eh, maybe in Louisiana getting pregnant at 16 is what everyone does. Not in New York. Unless she means that having sex part. In that case, she is very correct. My suburbs were full of 9th graders getting more action than I did in college. Only difference is in New York you can vacuum that sucker out and get back on stage. But you were in Louisiana, so I get that.

where is jamie lynn spears now
But don’t worry Jamie, I know someone else who knows your pain…

This actually could have made a great Hannah Montana spin-off. Hannah comes back to Nashville for a break, “blending in as a high schooler” she accidentally gets prego. Billy Ray says we have to keep it. Lilly becomes new Hannah Montana? For another post perhaps…

All said and done, whether you were done with the fame. Whether you were forced to conceive the child. Whether you chose to conceive the child. I forgive you.

And though we may never find closure on Zoey’s intrigue into Logan Reese’s complex, defensive, yet clearly damaged soul; I truly believe the fans of Zoey 101 will forgive you.

Image result for zoey 101 jamie lynn spears pca

So I will attempt to sum this up as quickly as possible-

So…Where Is Jamie Lynn Spears Now You Ask?

Well there are rumors she may do a project with Netflix-

Jamie Lynn Spears is coming back to TV. The 28-year-old sister of Britney Spears has landed her first acting job since Zoey 101, the Nickelodeon series she starred in from 2005 to 2008. The actress and mom of two will appear in Sweet Magnolias, an upcoming Netflix series based on a series of books by romance author Sherryl Woods.” – CheatSheet

BUT most importantly…She is finally at peace.

where is jamie lynn spears now

Couple From Newark Contracted Herpes From Chinese Food Ordered On GrubHub


In this current climate people have been ordering delivery more than usual. Which isn’t surprising, half of the country is currently working from home and being told to shelter in place. On top of that, it has become a recurring theme during this pandemic that local restaurants are struggling and need takeout and delivery orders more than ever. Some people were concerned with the possibility of Coronavirus contraction through food delivery. But a young couple in Newark, New Jersey never thought their online delivery order would result in a positive diagnosis of oral herpes less than 4 days later.

The newly engaged Newark couple prefers to remain anonymous during this investigation. They are both 29 years old and have lived in Newark for a little less than a year.

Both claimed the food appeared fine on delivery to the best of their memory.

A few days after the meal, both developed “extremely noticeable” sores in their mouths. Horrified they both went to Urgent Care where the doctor on call diagnosed them with what was described as a “malicious form” of oral herpes.

chinese food herpes

After the doctor informed the soon to be wife that the likely cause of two unexplained oral herpes being found in two individuals in a relationship was infidelity. The 28 year old woman was extremely confused since they had been quarantining together. How could her husband have secretly been keeping an affair alive?

“After she confronted her husband the doctor’s diagnosis, he assured her that he didn’t commit any infidelity and would submit to a test to prove it. He took the test and was found clean. All this, taking the span of three days or so, the perplexed couple looked everywhere for an answer. They took a sample of the leftover Chinese food into the lab, where semen was found in it – this semen being the source of the herpes.” – Source

So they found out it was Chinese food herpes. The craziest part to me is how they found the semen in the old Chinese food. Those scientists really can do it all. It does beg the question though, why did they still have the Chinese food leftovers almost a week later? Also, how did they know to get the Chinese food tested? And not the chicken salad?

But for a second let’s assume this is all true.

chinese food herpes

Why in the world would a guy be jizzin on sesame chicken in a time like this? China already has a bad rep for spreading this thing help your people out and stop using the egg rolls as pocket rockets until everything dies down a bit. If I were Chinese I would be very upset at this behavior. But I’m not so I’m just kind of freaked out by it. All of it in general is unsettling.

What if they didn’t catch herpes? Is this a thing that Chinese chefs do to warm up the wok on a daily basis but I just never knew because I never caught an STD? It makes you think.

chinese food herpes

Either way apparently people getting their rocks off by secretly getting their spunk in your mouth is not a new thing. An article found from 1993 told a story that is frankly that just gross…

“There is a street in South Shields in Newcastle, UK, that is supposed to have a record amount of Indian restaurants in it. There was a story circulating recently about some lads who ordered a take away late at night, rather the worse (or better) for wear after a night on the town. They all went home that night and devoured their curries, except one guy who fell asleep. The next day he awoke and decided to have curry for breakfast, but upon opening his decided that something looked dubious about it. He got a friend who was a medical student to examine it, and discovered it contained FIVE different semen samples.”

chinese food herpes

Maybe the people who ordered on GrubHub didn’t tip well? Who knows. If the chef making your food has a fetish for this though no amount of money will be enough to hold the secret sauce on your McDouble. Chinese food herpes. No Bueno.

BioPharmX CEO Announces Merger Will Be Complete By Tonight


In a surprise and rather late announcement, Today’s Five investigative team has received word that BioPharmX Corporation has informed Timber Pharmaceuticals LLC that they intend to back out of the merger if there is no final agreement as well as a plan action in regards to the BioParmaX merger by Friday night.

It was no secret that this merger was going to be finalized by late next week.

But no one, especially traders, expected this kind of news to drop just before the weekend.

Some experts believe this push by BioPharmaX is a courtesy to stock holders, as the merger may come as a shock to some long term stock holders. The small company has less than 10 employees. The stock will now trade under TMBR.

BioPharmX And Timber Pharmaceuticals Announce Entry into Merger ...

Other analysts argue that BioParmX is concerned that day traders will drive up the price of the shares knowing the news of the merger. If BioPharmX can have the share prices finalized by this afternoon, there will be less time for market fluctuation.

It is currently uncertain what the stock price per share will be for current holders once the merger is complete. 

Why BiopharmX Corp Is A Good Buy - CWEB.Com - cweb | Seeking Alpha

While some are saying this play by BioPharmX is a pressure play, others are rather certain that speeding up this merger is beneficial to both sides. Analysts say we should have a complete BioPharmaz merger between Timber Pharmaceuticals.